15 Oct

I am new to Python and not very familiar with advanced Python data structures.The function seems to work but it would be great it someone can help me optimize the string operation.ICY 200 OK icy-notice1: This stream requires Winamp icy-notice2:SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/Linux v1.9.8 icy-name:Buddha icy-genre: icy-url:http://www.buddharadio.com content-type:audio/aac icy-pub:0 icy-metaint:32768 icy-br:32.The icy-metaint defines the data interval after the metadata appears in the data stream.The code sends a request header to the radio stream and then receives a response like this:I use a while loop to read in the Meta Data Interval+Max Meta Data Length of data and then slice the metadata and save it in a file.Get metadata from an Icecast radio stream.I have written a function to receive data from a socket in Python and perform string manipulations on it. The basic purpose of the code is to get the metadata from an Icecast radio stream based on suggestions I found elsewhere.

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